Make Heaven From What You Have_

Location: Timisoara, Romania


‘Make Heaven From What You Have’ is placemaking project that uses found materials to re-imagine un-used public space(s) and provoke new material and spatial narratives in our cities.

‘Make Heaven From What You Have’ is an iteration of RRRUBBLE - a collaborative research project by The MAAK and Space Saloon.

more after the break ↓


RRRUBBLE, as a body of work, uses making as a methodology to rethink the role of resources and agency in architectural production. In October 2023, this methodology was put into action in Timișoara, Romania as part of the Timișoara Architecture Biennial (BETA)European Capital of Culture.

Supported through the LINA platform, BETA worked with us to explore ways in which the city’s predominant public space, Victory Square, could be re-imagined and enhanced by the introduction of new use and new users.


Together with students from the Polytechnic University of Timisoara, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, the project focused on temporary interventions inside abandoned underground stairwells of the square.


In line with the RRRUBBLE way of working items from BETA’s storage archive from previous installations, exhibitions and biennials were prioritized over the sourcing of new or foreign materials.

It was decided that all materials salvaged from storage had to be kept in their same condition. This constraint produced a creative re-purposing of items, discovered through an on-the-ground, hands-on process of design and making. BETA’s curatorial history was in term re-discovered through a bricolage of material stories, each explorable through QR codes embedded on the pieces at each final activation in Victory Square.


Over the course of a week, participants collectively reframed the use of the staircases through spatial activations and urban actions - transforming one site into a busker-friendly public stage and the other into a tranquil public ‘living-room’.


Participants ↓

Cheşa Eliza, Călin Teodor, Edward Kiss, Petres Tamás, Denisa Landler, Bojici Maia, Ema Cristescu, Alex Naghiu, Miruna Baraitaru, Georgiana Spiri, Anca Teslevici

Photography ↓

Bianca Azap Purice


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